At the Charleston City Marina dockside conversations come in many forms. Often it’s about an approaching storm, boating mishap, or the price of fuel. But just as often it’s a position report.
Years ago, word of sailing ships and loved ones at sea circled the docks with each new ship’s arrival in Charleston Harbor. Along the docks of the peninsula scuttlebutt would travel like wildfire, from ship to ship and into local pubs, late into the night. Tall tales and greetings from afar were of equal interest.
Even today among sailors the reports come in like the tide. Though with the internet I talk to my parents nearly every day, the joy of hearing; “I saw your parent’s boat in Green Turtle last week” is always pleasing and just another way we are reminded how small the world really is.
My parent’s boat is in the Abaco Out Islands of the Bahamas this month. Green Turtle Cay (pronounced key) is their favorite place to winter. If you’ve never heard of Green Turtle, well that’s the way Mom and Dad would like to keep it. In fact posting on this blog about “their island” will have me in a lot of hot water.
But I can’t think of a place closer to being true paradise than Green Turtle Cay.
When Southern Comfort makes the trip during the cold months of January and February often it’s tough coming home to a South Carolina that is covered with drizzle and temps that hover around forty.
Green Turtle is pretty much 80 degrees year around. The island is a real life Corona Beer commercial, with cobalt blue sky, pristine sandy beaches that stretch for miles and water so clear you can see a starfish 30 feet down and believe you can reach out and touch it just below the surface of the turquoise blue waters.
And so I’ll pass some time this morning listening to news I already know. That my parents are doing well, their ship though small is in fine shape, and that they send greeting from paradise with a quote from Jimmy Buffet:
“The weather is here, I wish you were beautiful”.
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